Practical info

Date: 14 July 2021
Date: 14 July 2021
Time: 10.30 AM Belgium - 11.30 AM Istanbul - 4.30 AM Toronto
Time: 10.30 AM Belgium - 11.30 AM Istanbul - 4.30 AM Toronto
Location: Online @ Petersime Customer Centre, Olsene, Belgium
Location: Online @ Petersime Customer Centre, Olsene, Belgium
Language: English
Language: English
Training level: Beginner, intermediate & advanced
Training level: Beginner, intermediate & advanced
Price: Free of charge
Price: Free of charge
Hatchery Focus E Training (Low)

Hatchery Focus E-Training is a series of monthly online training sessions for hatchery managers and technical staff who want to brush up on their hatchery knowledge and bring their operations to the next level.

In this programme, Petersime experts offer an in-depth focus on one incubational or technical topic per month and share their best practices on themes such as hatchery design, chick quality control procedures, hatchery biosecurity, incubator and HVAC maintenance, and many more.

Training programme

In this interactive session, Customer Support Engineer André Alves will give an introduction to the Hatchery Alert System™ and its functionalities. His presentation includes how to check for an alarm, how to manage the silencing actions and how to add a telephone dialer.

This training session includes a live Q&A. Please do not hesitate to submit any questions you may have during the presentation.

Our team

Petersime Andre Alves Sql
André Alves Customer Support Engineer

Event speaker

Petersime Steven Lassuyt Sqr
Steven Lassuyt Coordinator Helpdesk

Event host

Watch the session

Play the video below to (re)watch this E-Training session. Should you have any questions about this topic, do not hesitate to contact us.

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