Precise heat treatment of stored eggs

Hatching eggs must be kept under optimal conditions to prevent egg deterioration. Poor storage conditions inevitably lead to a decline in hatchability and egg quality. Even storing eggs at the correct conditions, but for a longer period will cause significant hatch losses. 

By applying precise heat treatment in the dedicated X-Streamer™ Re-Store incubator, you can regain a substantial part of the hatch that would have otherwise been lost due to storage. 


Petersime Icon Restored Viability
Restored viability

The X-Streamer™ Re-Store warms up hatching eggs for short periods of time during storage to restore the viability of the embryos. Thanks to the unique OvoScan™ technology, it guarantees a controlled, gradual and precise heating and cooling of the eggs, which is needed to ensure highly consistent results

Petersime Icon More And Better Chicks
More and better-quality chicks

Inside the X-Streamer™ Re-Store, the number of viable cells is restored. This positively impacts hatch results with minimized embryonic mortality, as well as improved hatchability, chick quality and post-hatch performance. Moreover, the eggs will start incubation in a more homogeneous embryonic development stage, which leads to better uniformity and chick yield

Petersime Icon Simplified Planning
Simplified planning

When storing eggs in the traditional way, hatchery staff needs extra time to deal with the variations that come with the incubation of short-stored and long-stored eggs. With X-Streamer™ Re-Store, that effort is not needed, which makes incubation planning much easier. 

Petersime Restore 1

What you can expect

  • Lower embryonic mortality
  • Improved hatch and post-hatch performance
  • Better overall chick quality and uniformity
  • Very accurate, easy and error-free process
  • Excellent results with different avian species and varying egg ages
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